JAVA uml Based cording <<< by jps sasadara >>>

The term composition is not unique to Java, composition is a concept of object-oriented programming. By now you should be familiar with the concept of inheritance - inheritance requires the use of the Java keywords extends or implements. When your class inherits members from either a superclass or a superinterface, you can directly invoke or access those members.
Consider the following code that demonstrates inheritance:
class OperatingSystem {
     void bootUp() { ... }
     void shutDown() { ... }
class Computer extends OperatingSystem {
class TestMe {
     public static void main(String args[]){
         Computer c = new Computer();
In the example above how many objects are created in the statement Computer c = new Computer();? The answer is just one single instance of a Computer object - pretty basic.
In the real world objects are often composed of other objects. A computer is composed of many objects: case, motherboard, power supply, drive (ssd, platter, etc), memory, OS, etc. Composition, simply put, is when an object is composed of other objects.
Consider the following code that demonstrates composition:
class OperatingSystem {
     void bootUp() { ... }
     void shutDown() { ... }
class PowerSupply {
     void turnOn() { ... }
     void turnOff() { ... }
class Computer{
     private OperatingSystem os = new OperatingSystem();
     private PowerSupply ps = new PowerSupply();
     Computer() {
     void allDone() {
class TestMe {
     public static void main(String args[]){
         Computer c = new Computer();
         // use computer...
         c = null; 
// critical for future aggregation tutorial
In the example above how many objects are created in the statement Computer c = new Computer();? There are a total of three objects created after that statement executes. The computer object is the sum of all of its parts, in other words, the computer is composed of its parts - hence the meaning of composition. When the statement c = null; is executed I am destroying the computer object, since the computer is composed of other objects (OperatingSystem and PowerSupply) they are destroyed right along with the computer. There are no references pointing to the the Computer object, OperatingSystem object, or the PowerSupply object, so all three objects are eligible for garbage collection at that point. The concept of composition is a critical piece of the puzzle when I begin to introduce you to design patterns.

Open the command prompt (CMD - see the Getting Started ) and type in the following commands.
C:\Windows\System32>cd \
C:\>md Java
C:\>cd Java
C:\Java>md Composition
C:\Java>cd Composition

Copy and Paste, or type the following code into Notepad and be sure to save the file when you are done.

class Composition {
    public static void main(String args[]){
        Computer c = new Computer();
        System.out.println("\nBrowing the internet...");
        System.out.println("Writing some source code...");
        System.out.println("Saving work...\n");
        c = null; // critical for future aggregation tutorial

class OperatingSystem {
    void bootUp() { System.out.println("OS is booting up"); }
    void shutDown() { System.out.println("OS is shutting down"); }

class PowerSupply {
    void turnOn() { System.out.println("Powering on"); }
    void turnOff() { System.out.println("Powering off"); }

class Computer {
    private OperatingSystem os = new OperatingSystem();
    private PowerSupply ps = new PowerSupply();

    Computer() {
    void allDone() {

Now switch back to the command prompt (CMD) and type in javac and press Enter.
Now type in 
java Composition and press Enter.

C:\Java\Composition>java Composition
Powering on
OS is booting up

Browing the internet...
Writing some source code...
Saving work...

OS is shutting down
Powering off

As you learn more about design patterns you will discover that composition is more versatile than inheritance and that you should use composition instead of inheritance whenever possible. Stay tuned for my next tutorial on Aggregation. Aggregation is very similar to Composition only with one very distinct difference.

I highly recommend watching my Composition Tutorial prior to watching this one. We learned that an object demonstrating composition is composed of other objects that are created inside of the object during instantiation. The lifetime of those "internal" objects are entirely dependent upon the enclosing object. When the instance of the enclosing object is destroyed, those "internal" objects are destroyed as well. Aggregation is very similar to composition only with one key difference. An object demonstrating aggregation is composed of other objects that are created outside of the object during instantiation. In aggregation, the lifetime of those "internal" objects are not dependent upon the enclosing object. When the instance of the enclosing object is destroyed, those "internal" objects are still alive because they were created elsewhere. Consider the following code that demonstrates aggregation:
class MegaOfficeSuiteDVD {
     void installSoftware( ... );
     void viewShinySurface() { ... }
class OperatingSystem {
     void bootUp() { ... }
     void shutDown() { ... }
class PowerSupply {
     void turnOn() { ... }
     void turnOff() { ... }
class DVDDrive {
     void open() { ... }
     void close() { ... }
class Computer{
     private OperatingSystem os = new OperatingSystem();
 // composition
     private PowerSupply ps = new PowerSupply();
 // composition
     private DVDDrive drive = new DVDDrive();
 // composition
     private MegaOfficeSuiteDVD dvd;
 // reference only - potential for aggregation
     Computer(MegaOfficeSuiteDVD dvd) {
         this.dvd = dvd; 
// aggregation
     void dvdStuff() {
         //open dvd, place dvd in drive, close dvd
         //open dvd, remove dvd, close dvd
     void allDone() {
class TestMe {
     public static void main(String args[]){
         MegaOfficeSuiteDVD dvd = new MegaOfficeSuiteDVD();
         Computer c = new Computer(dvd);
         // Browing the internet....
         // "Writing some source code...
         c = null; 
// The computer object and all the composition objects are destroyed and eligible for garbage collection
// it's alive!
In the example above the difference between composition and aggregation becomes apparent when the statement c = null; is invoked. The MegaOfficeSuiteDVD object continues to live after the Computer object and its composition objects are destroyed. At one time the Computer object did consist of a MegaOfficeSuiteDVD, but it was merely just a reference to the actual object created outside of the computer object.

Open the command prompt (CMD - see the Getting Started ) and type in the following commands.
C:\Windows\System32>cd \
C:\>md Java
C:\>cd Java
C:\Java>md Aggregation
C:\Java>cd Aggregation

Copy and Paste, or type the following code into Notepad and be sure to save the file when you are done.

class Aggregation {
    public static void main(String args[]){
        MegaOfficeSuiteDVD dvd = new MegaOfficeSuiteDVD();
        Computer c = new Computer(dvd);
        System.out.println("\nBrowing the internet...");
        System.out.println("Writing some source code...");
        System.out.println("Saving work...\n");
        c = null;  // The computer object and all the composition objects are destroyed and eligible for garbage collection
        dvd.viewShinySurface(); // it's alive!

class OperatingSystem {
    void bootUp() { System.out.println("OS is booting up"); }
    void shutDown() { System.out.println("OS is shutting down"); }

class PowerSupply {
    void turnOn() { System.out.println("Powering on"); }
    void turnOff() { System.out.println("Powering off"); }

class DVDDrive {
    void open() { System.out.println("DVD drive is open"); }
    void close() { System.out.println("DVD drive is closed"); }

class MegaOfficeSuiteDVD {
    void installSoftware() { System.out.println("Installation of Mega Office Suite complete!"); }
    void viewShinySurface() { System.out.println("\nJust look at that shiny prismy reflection ..."); }

class Computer {
    private OperatingSystem os = new OperatingSystem(); // composition
    private PowerSupply ps = new PowerSupply(); // composition
    private DVDDrive drive = new DVDDrive(); // composition
    private MegaOfficeSuiteDVD dvd; // reference only - potential for aggregation

    Computer(MegaOfficeSuiteDVD dvd) {
        this.dvd = dvd; // aggregation

    void dvdStuff() {;
        System.out.println("Placing DVD in tray...");
        System.out.println("Removing DVD from tray...");
    void allDone() {

Now switch back to the command prompt (CMD) and type in javac and press Enter.
Now type in 
java Aggregation and press Enter.

C:\Java\Aggregation>java Aggregation
See video for results

                          DZone uml 2.0
public class Car {
    private String carColor;
    private double carPrice = 0.0;
    public String getCarColor(String model) {
        return carColor;
    public double getCarPrice(String model) {
        return carPrice;
The above example of Car class is self explanatory. The Car class has private instance variables carColor, carPrice denoted by (-) in the UML Class diagram. Similarly if this was public then it would have been represented as (+), if was protected then it is denoted by (#). The package visibility is defined by (~).
Java visibility
UML Notation
The return type of the instance variables or the methods are represented next to the colon (:) sign.
[visibility] [multiplicity] [:type [=default value]] {property string}
Example: carPrice : double = 0.0
Representing Static variable or static operation:
The static data is represented with an underline. Let’s take the below example.
[a href=""]Class diagram
public class Employee {
    private static String department = "R&D";
    private int empId;
    private Employee(int employeeId) {
        this.empId = employeeId;
    public static String getEmployee(int emplId) {
        if (emplId == 1) {
            return "idiotechie";
        } else {
            return "Employee not found";
    public static String getDepartment() {
        return department;
The association represents the static relationship between two classes along with the multiplicity. E.g. an employee can have one primary address associated with it but can have multiple mobile numbers.
Association are represented as thin line connecting two classes. Association can be unidirectional (shown by arrow at one end) or bidirectional (shown by arrow at both end).
Multiplicity defines how many instances can be associated at any given moment.
No instances or one instance
A flight seat can have no or one passenger only
Exactly one instance
An order can have only one customer
0..* or *
Zero or more instances
A class can have zero or more students.
One or more instances (at least one)
A flight can have one or more passenger
The unidirectional relationship shows that the source object can invoke methods of the destination class. In Java a possible example can be the instance variable of source class referencing the destination class.

Association Example
The association represents the static relationship between two classes along with the multiplicity. E.g. an employee can have one primary address associated with it but can have multiple mobile numbers.
Association are represented as thin line connecting two classes. Association can be unidirectional (shown by arrow at one end) or bidirectional (shown by arrow at both end).
Multiplicity defines how many instances can be associated at any given moment.
No instances or one instance
A flight seat can have no or one passenger only
Exactly one instance
An order can have only one customer
0..* or *
Zero or more instances
A class can have zero or more students.
One or more instances (at least one)
A flight can have one or more passenger
The unidirectional relationship shows that the source object can invoke methods of the destination class. In Java a possible example can be the instance variable of source class referencing the destination class.

Association Example
public class Customer {
private String name;
private String address;
private String contactNumber;
public class Car {
    private String modelNumber;
    private Customer owner;
Let’s look at an example of bidirectional association:

Bidirectional association
public class Customer {
private String name;
private String address;
private String contactNumber;
private Car car;
public class Car {
    private String modelNumber;
    private Customer owner;
In the bidirectional association each of the class in this relationship refers to each other by calling each others method. In the above Java example it is depicted as instance variable of Car class in called inside the Customer class and vice versa.
In the above example the car and owner refers to the roles and is depicted by the name of instance variable in the code.
Assume a scenario where a customer has multiple cars. How do we represent this situation in Java and UML?

Multiplicity in association
The above diagram explains a unidirectional association with a one to may relationship. Both use of ArrayList and Array is for illustration purposes only.
public class Car {
    private String brand;
    public Car(String brands){
        this.brand = brands;
    public Car() {
    public String getBrand() {
        return brand;
    public void setBrand(String brand) {
        this.brand = brand;
public class Customer {
    private Car[] vehicles;
    ArrayList<Car> carList = new ArrayList<Car>();
    public Customer(){
        vehicles = new Car[2];
        vehicles[0] = new Car("Audi");
        vehicles[1] = new Car("Mercedes");
        carList.add(new Car("BMW"));
        carList.add(new Car("Chevy"));

This property represents the inheritance feature of the object oriented concept. In Java this can relate to the “extends” keyword. The inheritance should ideally follow the Liskov Substitution Principle i.e. the subtype should be able to substitute for its supertype. It helps to make the code implicitly follow the Open Close Principle i.e. Open for extension but closed for modification.

public class Car {
    private String model;
    public void printPrice() {
    public String getModel() {
        return model;
    public void setModel(String model) {
        this.model = model;
public class hatchback extends Car {
    private String model;
    public void printPrice() {
        System.out.println("Hatchback Price");
    public String getModel() {
        return model;
    public void setModel(String model) {
        this.model = model;
This is related to the relationship between the class and the interface. The realization is equivalent to the “implements” keyword in Java.
Realization in Java
Realization can also be represented as :
Realization – alternative
This is very straight forward implementation so hopefully there will ne no code provided. Unlike Generalization in this case the arrow is dashed.
Dependency is a relationship that shows that a class is dependent on another class for its existence or implementation. Dependency relationship is shown as a dotted line with an arrow from source class to the dependent class.
In Java we can consider the dependency relationship if the source class has a reference to the dependent class directly or source class has methods through which the dependent objects are passed as a parameter or refers to the static operation’s of the dependent class or source class has a local variable referring to the dependent class etc.

The above diagram satisfies dependency relationship as the source class Order passes the PaymentSystem reference through the processPayment().
public class PaymentSystem {
public class Order {
public void processPayment(PaymentSystem ps){
This shows “has a” relationship. It is a form of association relationship. This relationship highlights that a whole is made of its parts. So if a whole is destroyed the part still remains.
In UML this is represented through a hollow diamond with the diamond symbol pointing towards the whole.
In case of Java the aggregation follows the same structure as association. It is represented through the instance variables of a class.

public class Student {
public class School {
    private Student student;
In this case a student is a part of the School. However during design it is preferred to use association instead of aggregation as it is not a recommended option.

                                                                                                    ___ JPS Sasadara ___


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