
Showing posts from March, 2019

How to make shopping cart using AngularJS <<< by jps sasadara >>>

                                                                                                            Jps sasadara <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <script src=""></script> <body> < script > var  app = angular.module( "myShoppingList" , []); app.controller( "myCtrl" ,  function ($scope) {     $scope.products = [ "Milk" ,...

Github working with team ( Branching , Merging, Pull Request ) <<< by jps sasadara >>>

git checkout feature1      // go to the feature1 branch git pull origin master      // and pull master to that How Adding to git form another PC  git add -A git commit -m "add" git config --global "jpssasadara" git config --global git commit --amend --reset-author git push                                                                                                          __ JPS Sasadara __

Java Inner class Application (in sinhala) <<< by jps sasadara >>>


JAVA uml Based cording <<< by jps sasadara >>>

                             COMPOSITION TUTORIAL The term  composition  is not unique to Java, composition is a concept of object-oriented programming. By now you should be familiar with the concept of  inheritance  - inheritance requires the use of the Java keywords  extends  or  implements . When your class inherits members from either a superclass or a superinterface, you can directly invoke or access those members. Consider the following code that demonstrates inheritance: class OperatingSystem {      void bootUp() { ... }      void shutDown() { ... } } class Computer extends OperatingSystem { } class TestMe {      public static void main(String args[]){          Computer c = new Computer();          c.bootUp();  ...