Cron Expression

 ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("* * * * *");

"Every minute"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("*/1 * * * *");

"Every minute"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("0 0/1 * * * ?");

"Every minute"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("0 0 * * * ?");

"Every hour"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("0 0 0/1 * * ?");

"Every hour"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("0 23 ? * MON-FRI");

"At 11:00 PM, Monday through Friday"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("* * * * * *");

"Every second"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("*/45 * * * * *");

"Every 45 seconds"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("*/5 * * * *");

"Every 5 minutes"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("0 0/10 * * * ?");

"Every 10 minutes"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("0 */5 * * * *");

"Every 5 minutes"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("30 11 * * 1-5");

"At 11:30 AM, Monday through Friday"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("30 11 * * *");

"At 11:30 AM"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("0-10 11 * * *");

"Every minute between 11:00 AM and 11:10 AM"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("* * * 3 *");

"Every minute, only in March"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("* * * 3,6 *");

"Every minute, only in March and June"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("30 14,16 * * *");

"At 02:30 PM and 04:30 PM"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("30 6,14,16 * * *");

"At 06:30 AM, 02:30 PM and 04:30 PM"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("46 9 * * 1");

"At 09:46 AM, only on Monday"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("23 12 15 * *");

"At 12:23 PM, on day 15 of the month"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("23 12 * JAN *");

"At 12:23 PM, only in January"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("23 12 ? JAN *");

"At 12:23 PM, only in January"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("23 12 * JAN-FEB *");

"At 12:23 PM, January through February"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("23 12 * JAN-MAR *");

"At 12:23 PM, January through March"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("23 12 * * SUN");

"At 12:23 PM, only on Sunday"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("*/5 15 * * MON-FRI");

"Every 5 minutes, between 03:00 PM and 03:59 PM, Monday through Friday"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("* * * * MON#3");

"Every minute, on the third Monday of the month"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("* * * * 4L");

"Every minute, on the last Thursday of the month"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("*/5 * L JAN *");

"Every 5 minutes, on the last day of the month, only in January"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("30 02 14 * * *");

"At 02:02:30 PM"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("5-10 * * * * *");

"Seconds 5 through 10 past the minute"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("5-10 30-35 10-12 * * *");

"Seconds 5 through 10 past the minute, minutes 30 through 35 past the hour, between 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("30 */5 * * * *");

"At 30 seconds past the minute, every 05 minutes"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("0 30 10-13 ? * WED,FRI");

"At 30 minutes past the hour, between 10:00 AM and 01:00 PM, only on Wednesday and Friday"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("10 0/5 * * * ?");

"At 10 seconds past the minute, every 05 minutes"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("2-59/3 1,9,22 11-26 1-6 ?");

"Every 03 minutes, minutes 2 through 59 past the hour, at 01:00 AM, 09:00 AM, and 10:00 PM, between day 11 and 26 of the month, January through June"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("0 0 6 1/1 * ?");

"At 06:00 AM"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("0 5 0/1 * * ?");

"At 05 minutes past the hour"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("* * * * * * 2013");

"Every second, only in 2013"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("* * * * * 2013");

"Every minute, only in 2013"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("* * * * * 2013,2014");

"Every minute, only in 2013 and 2014"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("23 12 * JAN-FEB * 2013-2014");

"At 12:23 PM, January through February, 2013 through 2014"

ExpressionDescriptor.GetDescription("23 12 * JAN-MAR * 2013-2015");

"At 12:23 PM, January through March, 2013 through 2015"


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