Golang: Interfaces


Go by Example: Interfaces (All are there go through well )

Interfaces are named collections of method signatures.

package main
import (

Here’s a basic interface for geometric shapes.

type geometry interface {
    area() float64
    perim() float64

For our example we’ll implement this interface on rect and circle types.

type rect struct {
    width, height float64
type circle struct {
    radius float64

To implement an interface in Go, we just need to implement all the methods in the interface. Here we implement geometry on rects.

func (r rect) area() float64 {
    return r.width * r.height
func (r rect) perim() float64 {
    return 2*r.width + 2*r.height

The implementation for circles.

func (c circle) area() float64 {
    return math.Pi * c.radius * c.radius
func (c circle) perim() float64 {
    return 2 * math.Pi * c.radius

If a variable has an interface type, then we can call methods that are in the named interface. Here’s a generic measure function taking advantage of this to work on any geometry.

func measure(g geometry) {
func main() {
    r := rect{width: 3, height: 4}
    c := circle{radius: 5}

The circle and rect struct types both implement the geometry interface so we can use instances of these structs as arguments to measure.

$ go run interfaces.go
{3 4}
Ref: https://gobyexample.com/interfaces

A nice example =: 

package main

import (  

type SalaryCalculator interface {  
    CalculateSalary() int

type Permanent struct {  
    empId    int
    basicpay int
    pf       int

type Contract struct {  
    empId    int
    basicpay int

type Freelancer struct {  
    empId       int
    ratePerHour int
    totalHours  int

//salary of permanent employee is sum of basic pay and pf
func (p Permanent) CalculateSalary() int {  
    return p.basicpay + p.pf

//salary of contract employee is the basic pay alone
func (c Contract) CalculateSalary() int {  
    return c.basicpay

//salary of freelancer
func (f Freelancer) CalculateSalary() int {  
    return f.ratePerHour * f.totalHours

total expense is calculated by iterating through the SalaryCalculator slice and summing  
the salaries of the individual employees  
data types can be refereed by interface like below  <<< = V.V.V */
func totalExpense(s []SalaryCalculator) {  
    expense := 0
    for _, v := range s {
        expense = expense + v.CalculateSalary()
    fmt.Printf("Total Expense Per Month $%d", expense)

func main() {  
    pemp1 := Permanent{
        empId:    1,
        basicpay: 5000,
        pf:       20,
    pemp2 := Permanent{
        empId:    2,
        basicpay: 6000,
        pf:       30,
    cemp1 := Contract{
        empId:    3,
        basicpay: 3000,
    freelancer1 := Freelancer{
        empId:       4,
        ratePerHour: 70,
        totalHours:  120,
    freelancer2 := Freelancer{
        empId:       5,
        ratePerHour: 100,
        totalHours:  100,
    employees := []SalaryCalculator{pemp1, pemp2, cemp1, freelancer1, freelancer2}


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