JWT SpringBoot
------ git ------------------------------------------ interceptor https://github.com/jpssasadara/SrpingBoot_JWT ----------------------------------------- videos What Happens If Your JWT Is Stolen? All of us know what happens if our user credentials (email and password) are discovered by an attacker: they can log into our account and wreak havoc. But a lot of modern applications are using JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) to manage user sessions—what happens if a JWT is compromised? Because more and more applications are using token-based authentication, this question is increasingly relevant to developers and critical to understand if you’re building any sort of application that uses token-based authentication. To help explain the concepts fully, I’ll walk you through what tokens are, how they’re used, and what happens when they’re stolen. Finally: I’ll cover what you should actually do if your token has been stolen, and how to prevent this in the future. This post was...